Qi Gong has a powerful effect on the whole of the body and mind. Every exercise has an effect on the whole energetic system, allowing energy (qi) to flow freely. It is possible to practice Qi Gong with mobility difficulties – each posture can be adapted, and it is feasible to practice whilst sitting on a chair.
These Qi Gong sessions are suitable both for those who have some experience and for complete beginners.
Everyone is welcome - whether or not you've practiced Qi Gong before.
These sessions run on Thursdays 7.30-8.30pm in The Place to Pause & Breathe in Bonnybridge.
You can either book for the six week block, which gives you one week free or for drop-in sessions. Our drop-in rate is £10 per session, with concessionary and reduced rates available. Pick the rate that best fits your circumstances. Click here to book in for the full block, or here for drop-in sessions.
Meet Your Facilitator:
Phil will be your instructor for these sessions. He is a well-recognised Martial Arts teacher, specialising in Japanese Ju-Jitsu. He has his own club, Kuroyaki-Ryu, which is part of Pause & Breathe. As well as Qi Gong, Phil is trained to offer complementary therapies: Reiki, EFT and TFT and Acupressure. He specialises in energy work, helping people to move stuck energy around the body to heal both physically and emotionally.