Spring Energy
I feel that there's something inherently uplifting about the season of Spring. We start to see more light in our days, flowers are blooming and everything just lifts a little. It feels more possible to have an intention of helping others to smile - in Winter it's tough enough to find a smile myself, let alone to help others to find theirs!
Our theme for March is Spring Energy - tuning into this idea of a change in our energy as well as in the energy within the natural world. I'd love to hear how you find this time of year too.
As we start to move towards Spring, there's a sense of newness in nature - as I walk I notice that there's more green around and flowers are starting to poke through. We've been out spotting snowdrops and crocuses and the daffodils will soon arrive. As they emerge from the ground, I feel a sense of hope, expectation and excitement. There's a feeling of newness - Spring represents new beginnings and rebirth. Nature starts to open up again, birds nest and animals come out of hibernation. My Dad has already spotted one of "his" hedgehogs in their garden again.
The longer days and shorter nights also bring hope. Natural light is so important to us, and in Winter it can sometimes feel that we don't see enough of it. The texture and colour of the light seems to change too - moving away from the blue tones of winter, to something a little more nourishing.
Photo by Arseny Togulev on Unsplash
If Spring were a Person:
I love the idea of seasons as people - if Spring were a person, what would they be like? I think they'd be decisive, determined - a bit of a leader. Yet the colours of Spring make me think they'd be lots of fun - bubby, with energy, the kind of person who would cheer you up when you needed it. They might speak without thinking, be a little impulsive, talk fast and move a lot.
What do you think Spring would be like as a person?
Spring Habits:
Spring is the time to take up new habits - we literally feel as if we have more time in the day as daylight is more prevalent. I find that I have more space to do things at night-time - perhaps I'll even start watching less trashy TV (my viewing hours have really gone up over the last year).
(Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash )
Spring cleaning is a thing that we all know about, but the emergence of Spring is also time to spring clean your life. There are so many things in life that can be toxic to us, and we can think about these in 6 different categories:
1. Food
2. Thoughts
3. Body
4. Home environment
5. Outdoor environment
6. Relationships.
The ides is to consider what needs changing in each. We will cover this more fully in the workshop, but you can start to think about this yourself too. Spring is a great time to make changes as we start to feel as if we have the energy to do so.
Susie Hooper, Pause & Breathe CIC